Мифы и заблуждения о жизни на пенсии

Выход на пенсию – это переход от одного образа жизни к другому. Опыт пенсионеров «со стажем» показывает, что существует множество мифов и заблуждений о выходе на пенсию. И часто эти мифы подаются как факты.

пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.

Our basic advice for everyone

Financial Planners are constantly picked on and even ridiculed, mostly by people who never worked with a financial advisor and don't think they need one. Advisors are thick-skinned and quick-thinking group though, so this is no big deal. However, a couple years ago I was caught off guard. I was dining with a close friend and (unexpectedly) his colleagues from work. They were all executives at a big Aluminum producer and couldn't get their heads around the idea that I wasn't a 'corporate soul'. They thought anyone can be a financial advisor and...

четверг, 27 октября 2011 г.

EU Euphoria turns into market rally!

U.S. equity futures (/ES) soared this morning as the result of deals that were reached among Greek bondholders and European leaders. The bondholders agreed to a 50% haircut, and the rescue fund's capacity was increased to $1.4T. In The US, investors continue to cheer the third quarter earnings reports and the recent string of stable economic data. Today investors will be watching the Weekly Jobless Claims data, GDP report, pending home sales data and natural gas inventory report. The U.S. Dollar (/DX) is sharply lower as equities take off higher....

среда, 26 октября 2011 г.

Just warming up...

We will start with bit of humor about the industry we are in.... Some (Western) Financial Advisers have always focused on the not so easy job of providing common sense to their clients. Recently, we found a post that took this activity to a new high (or low, depending on how you look at it!). When discussing which documents (in this case, credit card offers)  to dispose of in order to minimize identity theft, a dilemma arose: "Whether you need to shred or simply rip up the offer is a matter of disagreement among advisers though. The priority...