Мифы и заблуждения о жизни на пенсии

Выход на пенсию – это переход от одного образа жизни к другому. Опыт пенсионеров «со стажем» показывает, что существует множество мифов и заблуждений о выходе на пенсию. И часто эти мифы подаются как факты.

среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Opportunities exist in the commodity sphere

On my recent trip to Switzerland, I sat down with Sander Bressers, Senior Portfolio Manager for the LGT Commodity Active Fund. I began by asking him for an overview of the Fund. SB - The fund in its present form is quite new, having been up until recently a managed account on behalf of the owners of LGT, the Prince of Liechtenstein.  Nevertheless, even in that short period of time, we have managed to outperform most of our peers.  Myself and colleague, Peter Sigg, run an actively managed portfolio which is different to many other...

Hedge Funds Still Misunderstood

Somehow the entire alternative investment trading universe, including both investment managers and their different funds, has wound-up being known as ‘hedge funds’. This nomenclature is still inappropriately used with a negative connotation. We have had to explain to clients and and our wide network of outside agents that the name hedge fund is first of all is completely...

пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.

Mongolia: The World's Fastest Growing Economy

            Mongolia is quickly becoming one of the world’s most promising economies.  This frontier market in resource rich Central Asia is expected to grow by 20-23% in 2012 with strong prospects to continue this growth trend.  Only Iraq has a comparable 20-year growth forecast.             ...

вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

Новости мировых рынков

Китай – национальное правительство заявило, что, судя по показаниям внутреннего спроса, товарный избыток почти вдвое превысил индустриальные ожидания. Результаты свежих исследований показывают, что после февральского дефицита в 31,5 млрд. долларов США излишки имеют место уже второй месяц подряд. Российский центробанк в очередной раз уже пятый месяц подряд отказался...

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Frontier Markets

            In the early 1990s, Russia emerged from decades of socialism into the world economy as an undercapitalized new target for investors.  Those investors who were willing to accept the risks Russia presented during its decade of transition were able to earn large returns on their investments.  Today, Russia is no longer such...

четверг, 10 мая 2012 г.

QE and LTRO in Eurozone

Quantitative easing (QE) seems like a magic remedy whereby central bankers conjure up money out of thin air and use it to purchase assets. Such activity has the capacity to transfer toxic debt, stimulate demand for risk assets, devalue currencies – thus deflating debt – and maintaining low interest rates on government securities. The European Central Bank’s (ECB)...

суббота, 5 мая 2012 г.

Quick US market update

A flat reading from the jobs market sank stocks and plunged the Nasdaq to its biggest single-session drop since November. The Nasdaq Composite careened 67.96 points, or 2.3%, to 2956.34. Friday's losses punctuated what was the biggest weekly decline for the technology-heavy benchmark, which fell 3.7% this week, its steepest weekly loss in since December. The Dow Jones...